Waste Tires management is a serious and global environmental problem. According to reports by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) of India, more than 40 million “End of Life” Tires (ELT’s) are dumped into the landfills annually in India.
Currently, recycling or degradation treatments for waste tires are an enormous challenge. The conventional methods used to recycle “End of Life” Tires (ELT’s), poses a serious environmental threat and arises various problems such as:
- High Energy Consumption
- Emission of Hazardous Substances and Air Pollutants
- Waste-water Management
- Health Hazards
Therefore, searching for low-cost and industrial-scale applicable tire recycling methods is the need of the hour.

The Reclaimed Rubber is a rubber material which is produced by taking waste tires as raw materials through the processes of Crushing, Desulfurizing and Refining and has certain plasticity and can be reused.